So it's been a hell of a long time since I've written. There hasn't been much to report. Things are still stable, everything has been status quo. I'm about to put that to a huge test in May as the Sadhusanga festival is coming to NC and I couldn't under any circumstances short of death miss such a thing. This is going to be a serious test; it is going to be the biggest kirtan festival on the continent (really). About 1300 people will be there and I plan to be on the kitchen seva team where hopefully it will be a little less mindblowing. I will actually be heading to Boone from Burnsville, NC, having just spent the greater part of the week at a timeshare that I (quite impulsively) bought in November when we were there. Anyway, it's going to be a big, big deal, and all I can do is see how I do with it.
In December I noticed that I was gaining quite a bit of weight and so I made the unilateral decision to make a huge decrease in my medication (with a resultant decrease in weight back to baseline). My doctor was okay with it and so far it seems like it has been okay. I have had some minor blips on the meter for a day or two, low-amplitude stuff, nothing major and always traceable to some kind of precipitant. So, for the moment I'm staying with what I'm doing. We will see how May works out and go from there.
This winter has been awful. One day it's 70 and literally 24 hours later we're in a winter storm warning with ice and snow. I'm not sure how anyone can still deny the whole climate change thing; I'm not capable of that amount of cognitive dissonance. New York has gotten like 60 inches of snow and we've even had several snowfalls and two major events, the last one the day before yesterday. In the first one we got NINE INCHES of snow and I ended up staying at work for 2.5 days. This was a bad situation as I didn't have the foresight to pack with consideration for my gut. You never know how well you eat until you don't. Almost 3 days of processed, prepackaged garbage sent my system into an armed rebellion and I ended up spending the better part of 12 hours getting the rabble settled. This second situation only had me at work one night, but I packed fresh vegetables, fruit, rice chex, herbal tea and string cheese, with predictable happy results. I was glad I only had to stay the one night but it was a good test; I was all-around (mentally, physically) in a better place based on simply the food choices I made. Of course, being away from home in a noisy place (even with the sound machine, another fantastic choice) I didn't get more than 2-3 hours sleep, but everyone knows I'm good with that.
I am still knitting away like a fiend. I designed and knit three ganseys for gifts and then decided to move into colorwork. The first things I tried were Latvian mittens (Lizbeth Upitis's patterns) which are pretty fascinating. I finished one except for the thumb and got half way through a different one (only making one? when you're learning it's not a bad idea) when I made the huge decision for the first big storm to go ahead and try to do this Sanquhar glove that started the whole thing off.
The pattern I'm working from was printed in Scotland in the 50's and is all written out vs. charted. Eventually I found I needed to chart it and that made everything much easier. It actually turns out that this is an easier thing to knit than the Latvian mittens; the patterns are small and symmetrical both vertically and horizontally so they make perfect logical sense. It's not something you can do half asleep, and there are a couple of mistakes in the pattern, which made me a little crazy, but so far it's working out fine. I have got the thumb gusset done and those stitches on holders, and I'm working my way up to where the fingers will begin. Even though the needles are ridiculously small (2mm) and it's 80something stitches to a round it seems like it goes very fast. For someone inexperienced the hardest part would be keeping the floats in even tension, but everything I've learned in the last year is really paying off.
I am still precepting nursing students. This year I opted to skip the second-rotation one because I was finding that when I did two back to back I was tired, stressed because their schedule is funny with holidays, and it really wasn't fun. I'm hoping that I can do the third rotation if there is one. I just think it goes better this way. There really isn't much I can teach them to 'do' in our environment, so I focus on critical thinking and things like that, and I do feel like I have something (however small) worthwhile to say, so I hope they keep coming. I got a couple of books on experiential learning and the Toyota Way (which is something like nursing process in Japanese) to try to help me work out ways to get my point across. I actually started working on The Book, but that's been spotty since a huge effort at beginning.... so typical.
So I am hoping to sort of get back into a rhythm with the blog. I've let it sit largely because things are really kind of status quo boring and because Facebook (yeah, I know) has taken up a lot of the slack. But I do love to write and this is the best place for me to work out more complicated thoughts, so I'm thinking it's time to get back on it. In practice? We'll see how it works out.
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